Code of Conduct


The Board of Directors (the “Board”) and the senior management of pokarna Limited (“pokarna”) subscribe to the following Code of Conduct adopted by the Board. They would:

1. use due care and diligence in performing their duties of office and in exercising their powers attached to that office.

2. Act honestly and use their powers of office, in good faith and in the best interests of pokarna as a whole.

3. not make improper use of information nor take improper advantage of their position Director.

4. not allow personal interests to conflict with the interests of pokarna.

5. recognize that their primary responsibility is to protect the interest of all stakeholders of

6. not engage in conduct likely to bring discredit upon pokarna; and

7. be independent in judgment and actions, and to take all reasonable steps to be satisfied as to
the soundness of all decisions taken by the Board of Directors.

8. ensure the confidentiality of information they receive whilst being in office of Director and
is only disclosed if authorised by the company. Or the person from whom the information is
provided, or as required by law.

Attention Investors: We have been directed by SEBI to designate an exclusive e-mail ID of investor Grievances Redressal cell for the purpose of expediting the redressal of the complaints from the investors.

To enable investors, across the country and abroad, to register their complaints through a single centralised exclusive e-mail ID, the Company has designated a new e-mail ID, viz:

investors are requested to avail of this facility.